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Tank’s SuperMix Organic Fertilizer, 2-2-1 – 10 lb. bag
An Easy To Use, All-In-One Fertilizer Great For Veggies, Flowers, Trees and Fruits! Building a healthy, diverse biome in the soil is essential in the creation of an outstanding garden. OMRI listed Tank’s SuperMix is an organic fertilizer formulated as a “one and done” application just for that. The combination of natural, organic ingredients in […]
Terpinator®, 0-0-4
Terpinator 0-0-4 is a proprietary blend of organic inputs and plant extracts that create a soluble liquid plant food. Driven by Potassium (derived from potassium sulfate), this product has been designed to improve the terpene concentration in plants. Terpenes form the essential oils found in most flowers and plants and enhanced terpenes mean more vigorous […]
TIGER 90CR® Organic Sulphur, 0-0-0-90
OMRI Listed Prilled Sulfur For Soil Acidification & Salt Remediation TIGER 90CR Organic Sulphur 0-0-0-90 is ideal for soil amendment purposes in alkaline soils – when a soil test shows a high pH (above 7.0 and especially above 8) . It also helps reduce high levels of sodium and lime (above 1.0%). Available in prilled […]
Verdanta® EcoVita™, 7-5-10
An OMRI Listed Microgranule Formulation Designed to Provide Consistent Nutrition Through the Growing Season Verdanta EcoVita is an organic fertilizer containing a complex of plant nutrients formulated into homogeneous micro-granules to provide complete nutrition for many commonly grown plants. This particular formulation means that each of these small (80% are between 1-2 mm), uniform granules […]
Verdanta® K-Vita™, 2-0-20
Verdanta K-Vita is made with MINIGRAN® technology that creates nutrient-filled, low-odor and dust-free micro-granules. Each of these tiny granules contains the same amount of Nitrogen (N) and Potassium (K), which allows for uniform distribution of these nutrients to the plant. Microbial activity in the soil is the catalyst that slowly releases the nutrients. This same […]
Verdanta® N-Vita™, 9-4-3
Verdanta N-Vita is an extremely effective and easy-to-use fertilizer with a higher nitrogen level than many other comparable organic products. This additional nitrogen promotes healthy foliar growth, especially in herbs and leafy green crops (including Cannabis). Verdanta N-Vita is made using the proprietary MINIGRAN® technology. This formulation method creates small (0.8-2.5mm), dust and odor-free micro-granules, […]
Verdanta® OFE
Prevent & Correct Iron Deficiency Verdanta OFE combines seaweed extract with chelated iron to provide vital nutrients for rapid leaf greening and improved overall growth. Derived from both organic and mineral sources, Verdanta OFE is a true foliar feed supplying chelated iron without residue. Its soluble nature and urea content allow increased absorption resulting in […]
Verdanta® PL-2, 2-0-6
The OMRI I listed Verdanta PL-2 liquid fertilizer is designed to provide supplemental potassium and help stimulate microbial activity in root zones, while maintaining a low salt index and lower ECs. It can be used on greenhouse and nursery ornamentals, vegetables, herbs, and fruits to enhance water uptake, plant cell strength, plant hardiness, drought and […]
VRD™:Volcanic Rock Dust™
An Ultra-Versatile Mineral Amendment & Compost Booster Volcanic eruptions and the ensuing sedimentation have been the source of trace and essential minerals in the soil for eons. Over time, without regular volcanic activity or replenishment, soils become depleted and plants are not able to acquire the nutrients they need. Volcanic rocks, however, still hold these […]